Aducem citirea la viață! De la economie, la sănătate, de la bunăstarea copiilor la angajamentul civic - fiecare problemă importantă este afectată de alfabetizarea adulților. Misiunea Ethos Literacy este de a crea un loc în care elevii să se simtă în siguranță pentru a face față obstacolelor și pentru a-și atinge toate obiectivele. Oferim o varietate de oportunități pentru a ajuta studenții să fie cea mai bună versiune a lor, în timp ce se distrează pe parcurs.
What's Happening at Ethos . . .
Voting Ends March 31, 2025
We’re so excited to announce that we’re featured in Target Circle™!
We are honored and excited to announce that we have been chosen to participate in a special charitable giving campaign,
sponsored and funded by Target.
And you have the chance to help direct
a portion of Target’s donation to us!
Now through March 31, 2025
vote for us through the Target Circle program
to help determine how Target’s donation will be divvied up.
Find out more about Target Circle here: www.target.com/circle
We’re asking our supporters to help us make
the most of this incredible opportunity.
Every vote counts to help us receive a portion of the available
Target funds as we continue our mission to
provide free tutoring to adults and teens (who have left school).
Don’t forget, as you earn more votes,
you can keep voting multiple times during the campaign!
Thank you for your support,
and we encourage you to share your support for us
(and your thanks to Target) on social media
throughout the duration of the voting!
2023-2024 Year-End Performance
Programul nostru normal de birou este de luni până vineri, de la 9:00 la 17:00.
400 Gold Avenue SW, Suite 210, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Apelați: (505) 321-9620
Text: (505) 386-3014